Answers to the Introduction Quiz

  1. What was Caiaphas doing while Jesus came into Jerusalem, on Palm Sunday?
Caiaphas was choosing the best of the lambs to be offered for the people on Passover. (And Jesus, the Lamb of God, was selected by the people as the lamb for the sacrifice by waving palm branches and shouting Hosanna.)
  1. What were the Essene children doing while Jesus cleaned the temple?
Removing the leaven, sin, from their father's homes.
  1. On what day of the week was the Last Supper?
Tuesday evening or technically Wednesday on the Essene Calendar since Wednesday began at sunset.
  1. Why did the people in the front of the crowd fall over each other when Jesus approached in the Garden?
They knew Jesus was a great prophet and they also knew the story in 2nd Kings Chapter 1 of King Ahaziah's attempt to arrest Elijah.
  1. How many trials (opportunities to be freed) did Jesus have?
Six: (at Caiaphas' Palace, before the Sanhedrin, before Pilate, before Herod, before Pilate again - after which He was scourged, before Pilate again - at which He was condemned)
  1. How many blows was Jesus given during the scourging?
124 (counted by a Shroud team member). It was initially reported as 135 so that is an acceptable answer.
  1. What was the name of the woman who wiped the face of Jesus? (Hint: it wasn't Veronica.)
Bernice (see the annals of Pilate or the gospel of Barnabus)
  1. What was the given name of the man who was released by Pilate instead of Jesus? (Hint: it wasn't Barabbas.)
Jesus (Mt 27:16 or its footnote some versions only put the name in the footnote)
  1. What does barabbas mean?
Son of the father, a name used for a man who does not know the name of his father, the son of a prostitute or a man conceived by rape.
  1. How many times did Jesus fall while carrying the cross? (Hint: it wasn't three.)
He likely stumbled and fell multiple times but only once while carrying the cross, look at the shroud there is only one knee bruised. When He fell under the cross He was freed from the patibulum and Simon of Cyrene carried it.
  1. What were the names of the men crucified with Jesus?
Dismas and Gestus (see the anals of Pilate or the gospel of Barnabus)
  1. Which Psalm did Jesus name while on the cross?
Psalm 22: Eli, Eli Lema Sabachthani
  1. Which of the apostles' mother were at the crucifixion, while they hid?
James the son of Zebedee and James the younger
  1. What were the mother's names?
Mary the sister (in law) of Mary the mother of Jesus, and Salome the Mother of the sons of Zebedee (James and John).
  1. What did Jesus say after He finished the Last Supper?
"Father into your hands I commend my spirit." - the Last supper was finished on the cross with the Nirtzah: "It is finished."
  1. Which of Jesus' wounds did Padre Pio say hurt the most?
The wound on the shoulder from carrying the cross.
  1. What was the name of the centurion who pierced Jesus' side with a lance?
Longinus (see the annals of Pilate or the gospel of Barnabus)
  1. What does INRI stand for?
Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews.
  1. What is the Hebrew equivalent and what does it spell?
YHVH, the name of God, which can also be “Behold the hand. Behold the nail.”
  1. With what was the shroud bound to Jesus' body?
A strip cut from the edge of the shroud

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